Director of ROAE3 Participates in Field Survey to Study Rubber Insurance Guidelines

From November 27, 2024, to December 2, 2024, Miss Usa Thonaphalin, the Director of the Regional Office of Agricultural Economics 3 (ROAE3), assigned Ms. Narinpat Lakapunrat, a Plan and Policy Analyst at the Professional Level f from the Agro Economic Zone Development Planning Group, along with her team, to conduct a field survey on rubber insurance guidelines in Sakon Nakhon, Bueng Kan, and Nong Khai provinces.
The survey is part of the project entitled "Agricultural Development Strategies for Creating Opportunities, Increasing Income, and Sustainability for Farmers". During this period, the team interviewed rubber farmers, leaders of large rubber plantation group, and community leaders.
On November 27, 2024, the Director of ROAE3 together with Mrs. Athitaya Doungjunta, Plan and Policy Analyst at the Senior Professional Level, conducted a field survey in Sakon Nakhon province. ROAE3 expresses its gratitude for the excellent cooperation received from all participants.

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