ROAE3 Participates in the Review of the Provincial Agricultural and Cooperative Development Plan (2023–2027) for Fiscal Year 2027

On January 16, 2025, Miss Usa Thonapalin, the Director of ROAE3 (Regional Office of Agricultural Economics 3), assigned Miss Nanthapat Saetang, Policy and Plan Analyst, Professional Level, from the Plan and Development Division of Agricultural Economic Zones, to attend the meeting for the review of the Provincial Agricultural and Cooperative Development Plan (2023–2027) for Fiscal Year 2027. The meeting was held at the meeting room of the Local Administrative Promotion Office, Nong Bua Lam Phu Province, and chaired by Mr. Sasin Pattana-Pirom, Deputy Governor of Nong Bua Lam Phu Province.
The purpose of the meeting was to ensure that the revised Provincial Agricultural and Cooperative Development Plan (2023–2027) aligns with current situations, strategies at all levels, and relevant policy directions. The meeting was attended by department heads from the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, other departmental heads, and representatives from various government agencies.