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การประเมินผลโครงการส่งเสริมและพัฒนาอาชีพเพื่อแก้ไขปัญหาที่ดินทำกินของเกษตรกร ปี 2560-2562 / อุรัสยา แก้วคำ
Category | : The Works of Scholars |
Author | : Urassaya Kaewkham |
Publish Year | : 2023 |
Page | : 121 p. |
Evaluate the achievement and worthiness of the project. It considers operating results according to the 6-area framework. Data is collected by interview. There were 270 project participants in 5 types of areas, including national reserved forest areas. Reform area Land, self-construction settlement area public area and mangrove forest areas along with an interview Officials responsible for projects at the local level Then the results were analyzed in the form of Evaluate results according to a logical model consisting of inputs, activities, outputs, results, and impacts. including efficiency and effectiveness