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การส่งผ่านราคาสินค้าปาล์มน้ำมัน / ยุพยง นามวงษา
Category | : The Works of Scholars |
Author | : Yupayong Namwongsa |
Publish Year | : 2023 |
Page | : 62 p. |
Study the relationship between palm product prices Oil and analyze the connection between oil palm product prices at each market level. The data used in the study are Secondary data monthly time series which consists of the price of palm fruit that farmers can sell, the price of palm fruit at Extraction factory, wholesale price of crude palm oil, Bangkok market and wholesale price of palm oil in the Malaysian market and bring information Such prices were analyzed quantitatively using an econometric model, namely Vector Autoregressive (VAR) to Analysis of equilibrium relationships and analyze causality with Granger's Causality, including Analyze price response with Impulse Response Function (IRF)