"Evaluation" is the process of judging value By defining issues, indicators, and collecting data to analyze and compare with "criteria" that the project is successful. Or has the objective been achieved? The aim is to use it as information for decision making by executives. or those involved in judging the value of that project whether the project should be continued, delayed, improved, or terminated as well as to ensure efficient project management
CPPE by Academic and Innovation Evaluation Division Organize seminars "Presentation of results of evaluation of important projects of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives" on a regular basis every year. The objective is to allow academics to evaluate the results of CPPE. The results of the plan/project evaluation have been presented to relevant agencies for their acknowledgment. as well as listening to comments and suggestions To be considered for improvement and correction to be complete and correct before presenting it to executives and related agencies.

Presentation of evaluation results : 2024

Presentation of evaluation results : 2023