Roles,duties and responsibilities
District Agricultural Economics Office Has duties and responsibilities as specified in the Ministerial Regulations dividing government departments of the Office of Agricultural Economics. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives 2002 as follows: 1. Prepare and disseminate agricultural information at the responsible area level in a unified manner. as well as being an agricultural information center at the local level 2. Monitor and evaluate success and the impact of operations according to various measures, plans, and projects in the area. 3. Study, analyze, and research important agricultural economies at the local level 4. Study, analyze connections. and consistency of development plans Agriculture at the ministry level That leads to a regional agricultural economic zone development plan. 5. Study, analyze, coordinate, and provide advice in preparing strategies. Provincial agricultural groups to relevant agencies at the local level 6. Study, analyze and prepare targets. Produce agricultural products at the local level The District Agricultural Economics Office, which has 1 department and 3 work groups, consists of the Administrative Department, Agricultural Information Group. Agricultural Economic Zone Development Plan Group and research and evaluation groups Has the following powers and duties: 1. The management department has the following powers and duties: - Secretarial work, finance and accounting work and the area's supplies and equipment - coordination work in preparing work plans and budgets Regional and Central Agricultural Economics Offices - Coordination, monitoring and reporting of performance and spending of the Economic Offices. District and Central Agriculture 2. Agricultural Information Group Has the following powers and duties: - Survey planning work Collect primary data on agricultural product production in the field. Area of responsibility and checking the accuracy of basic data - Data recording and processing work and analyze data on agricultural product production at the provincial level and districts of the area of responsibility as well as report preliminary data analysis results to the central government - Prepare a preliminary data report and participate in the final data analysis and dissemination of agricultural information to the agency. related and farmers at the responsible area level 3. Agricultural Economic Zone Development Plan Group Has the following powers and duties - Study and analyze connections and consistency of agricultural development plans at the ministry level. That leads to a regional agricultural economic zone development plan - studies, analyzes and reports on agricultural economic conditions. and predict trends at the responsible area level - study, analyze, give approval and recommendations for preparing action plans for agriculture and cooperatives, creating work plans and projects for various government agencies involved at the local level 4. Research and Evaluation Group Has the following powers and duties - Study, analyze, monitor and report production situations. Marketing and Pricing Agricultural products that farmers receive in the area, including data reported back to the central government. - Study, analyze, and research agricultural economics. Economic and social conditions of agricultural households at the responsible area level - Monitor and evaluate the success and impact of operations according to various project plans and measures, including reporting on monitoring results. Evaluation results and Recommendations to other relevant government agencies at the area level of responsibility